In order to train all those who registered to be part of the Lima Volunteer Program, this weekend a new workshop will take place in Lima, Callao and Cuzco. Around 3000 people interested in participating as volunteers for Lima 2019 are expected to be trained.
This process aims to provide the volunteers the necessary tools, regarding knowledge and skills, to successfully carry out their role in the Games and create social legacy. Additionally, the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) will be in charge of this process. And to give an opportunity to those who want to join, it was decided to extend the registration date until February 22.
This training program will be delivered to 40 000 volunteer and it includes around 20 class hours (face-to-face and virtual). These lessons will begin with the general training for the applicants residing in the following cities of Peru: Lima, Callao, Chiclayo, Trujillo, Cajamarca, Huancayo, Tacna, Arequipa, Cuzco, Tarapoto, Ica, Cañete and Pisco; according to the schedule published in the web site:
To participate in the trainings, people must register first in the Volunteer’s site:; complete the application and select the training venue of their choice.
Trainings in Lima, Callao and Cuzco
The workshops were scheduled for this weekend in Lima, Callao and Cusco. The first one will be held this Saturday, January 26 at the Universidad César Vallejo in Callao, located in Avenida Argentina 1795 (Callao).
On Sunday, the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (UTP), located on Avenida Arequipa 265, will host the workshop.
As for Cuzco, the training will be held on Saturday and Sunday at the Universidad Alas Peruanas, located in Condominio Huáscar A-21 Wanchaq, Cuzco. The trainings will be divided in two shifts: 8:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00.
Participants will have to attend an hour before the beginning of the training and show their ID to be able to sign in and participate of the course.
Meanwhile, this Sunday several activation activities will be held to call more people to this program. These activations will take place at the Lima Scouts of Peru, located on Avenida Arequipa 5140 – Miraflores, from 10:00 to 13:00.
Strategic alliances in Callao and Cuzco
Furthermore, actions to disseminate and promote the Lima 2019 Volunteer Program have started, as well as to seek alternatives for the volunteer mobilization in Callao and Cuzco, and in the surroundings areas of these regions. All these through meetings to strengthen strategic alliances in Callao, with the representatives of the Universidad César Vallejo and in Cuzco with the representatives of the municipality of Cuzco and representatives of the Young Parliament of the region; the Universidad Alas Peruanas – UAP Cuzco and the Universidad Andina del Cuzco.
Registrations to the volunteer program are still open!
Registrations to the volunteer program have been extended until February 22 to benefit more people. To become a volunteer, you only need to be over 16 years old by April 1, 2019. Be available at least 8 days, not necessarily consecutive days. You must be friendly, proactive and work in teams. Minors need their parents’ permission. Likewise, to complete the obligatory data of the Volunteer Portal form,